Pathological and microbiological diagnosis of cutaneous blastomycosis in a four months old dog in Zambia

  • Dr. John Yabe University of Namibia
  • Dr. Caesar Luswili Cornerstone Veterinary Clinic
  • Prof. Bernard M. Hang’ombe University of Zambia
  • Dr. Katendi Changula University of Zambia
  • Dr. Daniel Ndambasia University of Zambia
  • Mutinta Mweemba-Muwowo University of Zambia
  • Dr. Maron Mubanga University of Zambia
  • Evans Mulenga University of Zambia
Keywords: Blastomyces dermatitidis, Cutaneous, Dog, Zambia


Background: Blastomycosis is usually a systemic fungal disease, most commonly diagnosed in dogs and humans. Cutaneous involvement primarily results from hematogenous spread, but in rare cases, direct inoculation can occur. Case presentation: The current report describes a case of a four month old male dog presented with cutaneous lesions caused by Blastomyces dermatitidis without pulmonary or disseminated disease. Diagnosis was achieved through histopathology and culture. Surgical debulking associated with systemic therapy with oral itraconazole resulted in significant remission of the lesion. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first case of cutaneous blastomycosis reported in an animal in Zambia. Conclusions: Accurate diagnosis of the disease in dogs is of public health importance as canine blastomycosis can be a presage of the disease in humans.


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How to Cite
Yabe DJ, Luswili DC, Hang’ombe PB, Changula DK, Ndambasia DD, Mweemba-Muwowo M, Mubanga DM, Mulenga E. Pathological and microbiological diagnosis of cutaneous blastomycosis in a four months old dog in Zambia. Journal of Agricultural and Biomedical Sciences [Internet]. 5Jul.2022 [cited 6Oct.2024];5(4). Available from:
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