Assessment of the emerging impact of covid-19 pandemic on small-scale poultry farmers in Zambia

  • Olabisi John Agboola World Hunger Fighters Foundation
  • Kolawole Odubote Zambia Academy of Sciences
  • Metti Richenhagen AGCO Agriculture Foundation, Atlanta, USA
Keywords: Poultry, covid-19, small-scale, farmers, marketing system, demand, supply


The covid-19 pandemic has been reported to have disrupted the food systems globally, thereby, negatively affecting production of agricultural commodities. This study was carried out to examine the emerging impact of the pandemic on small-scale poultry farmers in Lusaka Province, Zambia. Questionnaires were administered to 100 farmers in Chongwe rural area (Lusaka city sub-hub) to collect information on socio-economic characteristics, poultry production system, impact of covid-19 on poultry operations and coping mechanisms instituted. The data collected were subjected to descriptive and correlation analysis. The research findings revealed that the pandemic has a significant negative impact on the small-scale poultry farmer access to feed availability, vaccines and day old chicks. Similarly, the pandemic had a significant impact on market availability, accessibility and the purchasing power of the consumers. The research also indicated that a significant positive correlation exist between difficulties in accessing essential inputs for poultry productivity and the coping strategy that the poultry farmer adopted. The study concluded that farmers experienced a great effect of the pandemic on their poultry business due to the restriction imposed by government which caused inaccessibility of input supplies and market for the sales of birds. While the government provided financial incentives to some industrial and commercial entities, most small-scale farmers in this study did not benefit from the scheme. This shows that the government is more focused on industrial entities rather than small-scale farmers and producers. The study suggested mitigating strategies such as facilitating access to production inputs, market linkages and financial assistance (soft loans, grants, relief etc.) for small-scale poultry producers to build a resilient poultry system and cope with the emerging challenges covid-19 imposed on the poultry industry.


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How to Cite
Agboola O, Odubote K, Richenhagen M. Assessment of the emerging impact of covid-19 pandemic on small-scale poultry farmers in Zambia. Journal of Agricultural and Biomedical Sciences [Internet]. 6Jul.2022 [cited 6Oct.2024];5(4). Available from:
Agriculture Sciences