Identification of MHC Alleles Associated With Disease Resistance/Susceptibility In Smallholder Cattle In Zambia

  • Isaac Kombe Silwamba Livestock Services Cooperative Society
  • Martin Simuunza
  • King Nalubamba
  • Joseph Ndebe
  • Edgar Simulundu
  • Geoffrey Mainda
  • John. Bwalya Muma
Keywords: Major Histocompatibility complex; Bovine leukaemia virus (BLV); Foot and Mouth disease; Mastitis; Theileriosis


Background: The occurrence of Major Histocompatibility complex (MHC) alleles associated with disease resistance/susceptibility in African cattle is ill-defined. Methods: Herein, we used manual annotation to identify animals possessing MHC alleles associated with disease resistance/susceptibility from a database of alleles sequenced from 846 cattle in Zambia. Results: Overall, we found 28 (3.3%), 21 (2.6%), 55 (6.5%), and 15 (1.8%) animals with resistance alleles to Mastitis, BLV, Theileriosis, FMD, and 39 (4.6%) animals susceptibility alleles to Dermatophilosis, respectively. Conclusion: This study provides the first evidence of resistance/susceptibility alleles in smallholder cattle in Zambia and the data could aid strategies for breeding cattle with enhanced resistance to disease in endemic countries.


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How to Cite
Silwamba I, Simuunza M, Nalubamba K, Ndebe J, Simulundu E, Mainda G, Muma J. Identification of MHC Alleles Associated With Disease Resistance/Susceptibility In Smallholder Cattle In Zambia. Journal of Agricultural and Biomedical Sciences [Internet]. 11May2021 [cited 6Oct.2024];5(1). Available from:
Veterinary Medicine

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