Analysis of the socio-economic and cultural factors affecting malaria prevention in provinces with high malaria prevalence in Zambia

  • Ellah Zingani university of zambia
  • Kosamu Chupa University of zambia
  • Chimbala Adron Mweshi university of zambia
  • Evelyn Gondwe university of zambia
Keywords: Social-economic, cultural, factors, malaria prevention, high malaria prevalence provinces, Zambia.


Malaria is endemic in all the provinces of Zambia and remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Northen, Eastern, Muchinga and Luapula provinces are evidenced by records of high prevalence of malaria despite the implementation of malaria control and prevention strategies aimed at interrupting the disease transmission which include; use of treated mosquito nets, indoor residual spraying, presumptive and treatment therapy among others. The socioeconomic and cultural factors in these provinces were explored to ascertain if they might be contributing factors to the altered effectiveness of malaria control interventions that have proved successful in other provinces. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the socio-cultural and economic factors affecting malaria prevention in provinces with high malaria prevalence in Zambia. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted where an interviewer administered questionnaire was served to selective households in the 4 study provinces. Results: A total of 1580 participated in the study giving a response rate of 98.8%.684 were male and 896 were female. Findings suggest practices and beliefs with respect to socio cultural and socio-economic factors had an influence on the success of malaria control interventions in the provinces. Lack and low levels of education had a direct impact on the understanding of malaria prevention, transmission and interventions. Self-medication, use of left over medicines and seeking treatment late was attributed to low-income levels in all the 4 provinces. Type of housing and occupation exposed individuals to malaria infection. Conclusion: Tailoring malaria preventive measures to the socio-cultural and economic practices in the provinces will help in reducing malaria cases in the provinces.

Author Biographies

Kosamu Chupa, University of zambia
Chimbala Adron Mweshi, university of zambia
Evelyn Gondwe, university of zambia


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How to Cite
Zingani E, Chupa K, Mweshi C, Gondwe E. Analysis of the socio-economic and cultural factors affecting malaria prevention in provinces with high malaria prevalence in Zambia. Journal of Agricultural and Biomedical Sciences [Internet]. 24Jun.2024 [cited 6Oct.2024];7(4). Available from:
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