Antimicrobial, Physicochemical, Proximate and Heavy Metal Profiles of Selected Honey Samples from two Southwestern States in Nigeria

  • Titilayo Oyeronke Adesetan
  • Olusegun A Lawal
  • Funmilayo Mujidat Oyeyipo
  • Omolara Dorcas Popoola Olabisi Onabanjo University
  • Odunayo Orisasami
  • Beatrice O Oyekan
Keywords: Antibacterial activities, Heavy metal, Honey, Physicochemical analysis, Proximate composition


Honey is made up of a variety of sugars, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins, phenolic mixtures, and organic components, which define if the honey is genuine or contaminated. As a result, this work was undertaken to examine the nutritional and heavy metal properties of honeys sold in two Nigerian states in the South west. Samples of honey were taken from twenty hives in two southwestern states and tested for antimicrobial, physicochemical, proximate, and heavy metal characteristics using standard recommended procedures, while heavy metals were detected with an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Zones of inhibition at 100 % w/v for the test organisms are 10 – 28 mm for E. coli, 13 – 26 mm for Salmonella, 17 – 27 mm for Staphylococcus aureus, and 11 – 25 mm for Klebsiella with S. aureus being more sensitive to the honey samples. The range of pH for physicochemical is 2.51 – 3.87, Total Titratable Acidity 0.07 – 0.53 percent, Acidity 1.20 – 6.77 %, and the ranges for proximate analyses are 1.09 – 1.59 % protein, 7.10 – 11.37 % moisture, 0.33 – 0.63 % Ash, 0.20 – 0.30 % fat, 83.71 – 91.11 % carbohydrate, and 342.95 – 371.20 kcal/g energy. There was significant correlation recorded between protein, moisture, ash, fat, carbohydrate and energy contents of the honey samples. All the honey samples were negative for lead, chromium, and cadmium. Copper was the only metal found, having concentrations range of 5.0 to 25.0 mg/kg. Because the majority of the samples fulfilled the Codex Alimentarius Standard for honey, they can be taken or used therapeutically.


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How to Cite
Adesetan T, Lawal O, Oyeyipo F, Popoola O, Orisasami O, Oyekan B. Antimicrobial, Physicochemical, Proximate and Heavy Metal Profiles of Selected Honey Samples from two Southwestern States in Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural and Biomedical Sciences [Internet]. 4Jun.2024 [cited 6Oct.2024];7(3). Available from:
Biomedical Sciences